2-0 in Cremona, Fiorentina stakes the final – JUORNO.it

    2-0 in Cremona, Fiorentina stakes the final – JUORNO.it

    The mistreated Italian football still matters, and how. On the day when alexander chevrin (Shaded in the photo with Aurelio de Laurentiis) He was re-elected to lead UEFA for another four years, until in 2027 Italy received a prestigious award, namely the appointment of Gabriele Gravina as Vice President. The FIFA No. 1 will be joined in this role by Welsh manager Laura McAllister. Gravina has already been a member of the executive committee of Europe’s top footballing body since April 2021, when he received 53 out of 55 favours, resulting in him receiving the most votes in the Confederation’s history. Now, Gravina’s rise, along with President Ceferin’s, is a rise to the top of European football that only bodes well for the future of our movement. “I thank Ceferin and my colleagues at UEFA for this prestigious position which is an important sign of confidence, both personally and at the federation level,” were FIFA Number One’s first words after his appointment.

    Gabriel Gravina. UEFA Vice President

    “In recent years, in both the Executive Committee and the Committees, we have worked tirelessly, with great seriousness and a spirit of cooperation to develop European football, working as a team and tackling very complex issues. We will continue to do so with the same passion and dedication to tackle the great challenges facing continental football.” . of the European Championship 2032. In a few days, on April 12, the deadline for submitting the candidacy file will expire, and then, in September, UEFA will decide in one fell swoop the host countries for both the European Championships 2028 (United Kingdom and Ireland in postion, ed.) and 2032 Italy’s most formidable enemy is certainly Turkey, while a concession to Russia seems unlikely given Ukraine’s aggression.

    Within that day, following a proposal by the Minister of Sports and Youth Andrea Abbudi, the Dpcm was approved to set up an inter-institutional committee to support Italy’s candidacy. This decree, linked to all guarantee documents signed by the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, will contribute to the authorship of the “final dossier” that FIFA will submit to UEFA by April 12, 2023. The committee will define and share strategies, assist regulatory options, legislative measures and solutions The process is in favor of the Europeans, also in identifying the financial and guarantee instruments that will make it possible to achieve the double objective: to obtain the Euro32 organization and, in any case, to modernize the Italian stadium heritage. Therefore, special attention will be given to the development of infrastructures with a view to redevelopment and urban renewal. Going back to Ceferin’s re-election, it was a formality because the Slovenian leader was the only candidate.

    “Protecting this game is our mission. Our goal. Our goal. Our raison d’être”, his first words from the stage in Lisbon before the election. We were elected and it is our duty to lead by example. We must never forget this. All of us.” During his speech, Ceferin returned to attacking the supporters of the Superleague project, as he now does in all his statements. “There have been temptations, even attempts, to create new models – Ceferin recalls with a clear reference to the Super League – but they run counter to the very dear European model On us.” “Our model is based on athletic merit. And in our area, merit is priceless! Merit cannot be demanded nor obtained. It can only be earned. season after season. on and off the field. There is no place for back room deals on this continent. I think we made it clear, all together.” Finally, looking to the future, UEFA’s No. 1 player noted, “The 21% increase in hat-trick money for the next cycle is neither charity nor clientelism. It has been designed to enable one of the largest sport development programs in the world to continue supporting National Federations across Europe. We will invest nearly 1 billion euros in the development of the game.”

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